Update Email and Calendar Apps to Outlook by Jan. 1 Deadline
At the start of the new year, Microsoft will begin the process of ending support for legacy authentication used by older email and calendar apps. This includes, but is not limited to, iOS Mail and Android mail apps.
To avoid any disruption accessing your UARK email or calendar, IT Services strongly recommends using the Microsoft Outlook app for all your desktop, tablet and mobile devices by Jan. 1, 2022. Setup instructions are available for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS.
Legacy authentication refers to less-secure ways of accessing a mailbox or calendar. Changing technology has resulted in more secure ways, like using multi-factor authentication, to connect. Because these older methods of authentication are less secure, Microsoft has announced its plan to move toward disallowing these methods. Beginning in early 2022, Microsoft plans to begin disabling this authentication for customers such as the University of Arkansas. For this reason, IT Services is making this change to follow Microsoft best practices to secure data.
If you have questions or concerns, please submit a ticket to the IT Help Desk.
Chris Butler, director of communications
University Information Technology Services
479-387-3836, chrisb@uark.edu