$300 Professional Attire Chance From Career Development Center and ASG Boss Hog Outfitters
Students who participate in the Boss Hog Outfitters tabling event today will be entered into an Instagram challenge for a chance to win $300 towards professional clothing at Dillard's.
On Thursday, Oct. 28, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Career Development Center and Boss Hog Outfitters will be tabling outside the Arkansas Union. Students will have the opportunity to take a picture with fun items that represent their future career. Students who participate will be entered into an Instagram challenge for a chance to win $300 towards professional clothing at Dillard's.
The CDC and BHO both aim to remove roadblocks from the path of students beginning their post-college career search. For more information, come to the tabling event on Oct. 28 or visit their websites, career.uark.edu and bho.uark.edu.
The Career Development Center and Boss Hog Outfitters work together to support students preparing for the professional world. The Career Development Center offers a myriad of services for students, including resume review sessions, mock interviews, career and graduate school advising, and job search assistance. Their office is located on the east sixth floor of the Union (ARKU 607).
Boss Hog Outfitters is the campus career closet run by the Associated Student Government, where students can borrow professional clothing for free to wear for interviews, career fairs, presentations, etc. Students can borrow clothing for up to two weeks. The closet is located on the second floor of the Union, across from the Treasurer's Office. BHO is open from 1 to 4 p.m.Tuesdays and Thursdays, but students can also request clothing online at bho.uark.edu.
The Associated Student Government at the U of A is a student-led organization that acts as an organized voice for all students and strives to effectively represent student interests. Questions about ASG can be directed to 479-575-5205, asg@uark.edu. ASG is a program in the Division of Student Affairs.
About the Division of Student Affairs: The Division of Student Affairs supports students in pursuing knowledge, earning a degree, finding meaningful careers, exploring diversity, and connecting with the global community. We provide students housing, dining, health care resources, and create innovative programs that educate and inspire. We enhance the University of Arkansas experience and help students succeed, one student at a time.
Associated Student Government,
Office of Student Activities
479-575-5255, osa@uark.edu
Scott Flanagin, executive director of communications
Division of Student Affairs
479-575-6785, sflanagi@uark.edu