Faculty and Staff Parking Area in Northeast Part of Campus Has Reopened
Lot 78A, south of Douglas Street and east of Gregg Avenue, is once again available for faculty and staff parking after undergoing a renovation.
The parking lot was transformed from a gravel surface to one that is now paved and has concrete curbs, as most other parking areas on campus.
Lot 78A is accessible from the east, from Gregg Avenue, and has parking spaces to accommodate 43 vehicles.
You may see the lot's location on the campus parking map at https://parking.uark.edu/parkmap.pdf.
From 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays, the lot is available to those with the appropriate faculty and staff permit. After 5 p.m. and on the weekends, it may be used by those with other types of university parking permits.
The parking information is indicated on signs at the lot and is also on the parking options chart on the Transit and Parking website.
David Wilson, director of communications
Transit and Parking
479-575-6089, dbw010@uark.edu