Food Science Club Apple Butter Sale
The Food Science club Apple Butter Sale is now live! We have 12-ounce jars available for $5 a jar and $50 for a case. Twelve jars are included in a case. This is a great way to support the club and grab a gift for the holiday season!
The apple butter can be purchased at the Food Science Building Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in room N101.
The Food Science Building is located on the U of A research farm, approximately two miles north of the main campus, at 2650 N. Young Ave. From campus, go north on Garland Avenue, turn right (east) on Cassatt, then left (north) on Young Avenue. The Food Science Building is on the right. Please use the main entrance in the two-story part of the building and head to the left. Parking is free.
Please note that we are only able to accept cash or checks made out to the University of Arkansas Food Science Club.
Call 479-575-4605 or email us at FDSCCLUB@UARK.EDU if you have any questions!
Taylor Brandt , FDSC Club Event Coordinator
Food Science