Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Seeks Instructors and Course Proposals for Spring
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Arkansas is seeking instructors and course proposals for the spring 2022 term.
Established at the U of A in 2007 and based in the College of Education and Health Professions, OLLI offers opportunities for adults to participate in a variety of stimulating courses, cultural events and social activities
With almost 100 course offerings each semester, OLLI instructors can be as diverse as the courses themselves. Instructors include current or retired U of A faculty, graduate students, distinguished community members, and other experts.
"If you are passionate about your field or research interests and want to share that knowledge with the community, then OLLI is the place for you," said director Josh Raney.
Teaching OLLI courses is rewarding.
"I hardly remember in nearly 35 years in the classroom teaching and engaging with such an enthusiastic group of learners. I'm not sure who did the bulk of the learning, them or me," said sociology professor Kevin Fitzpatrick.
It's common for OLLI instructors to donate their instructional time and use OLLI courses as a unique opportunity to engage with the community.
Course proposals are reviewed twice a year. The deadline is Oct. 31 for spring courses. Contact OLLI at 479-575-4545 or email olli@uark.edu for more information. You can also submit a proposal on the website.
Shannon G. Magsam, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions
479-575-3138, magsam@uark.edu