Exhibit in Mullins Library Celebrates U of A's 150-Year History
All Razorbacks are invited to view an exhibit of items documenting the U of A's 150-year history during Homecoming week. "University of Arkansas – 150 Years" is on display in Mullins Library's Helen Robson Walton Reading Room, located on the lobby level, through December 2021.
The exhibit was curated by Amy Allen, university archivist for the University Libraries Special Collections Division.
"It is impossible to capture the full 150 years of history in one exhibit," Allen said. "I hope this exhibit will give a taste of the complex history and make people interested in learning more."
Allen serves on the U of A's Sesquicentennial University History Working Group and collaborated with group members to determine what should be represented in the exhibit. She then curated items from the University Archives based on campus-wide sesquicentennial themes: Determined to Build a Better World, Home on the Hill, Life-Changing Opportunities and Razorbacks. University Relations provided graphic design and printing services for the exhibit.
Items on display include an Examination Booklet filled out by Silas Hunt, the first African American student admitted to the U of A after Reconstruction; a program for the May 8, 1955, Albert Einstein memorial on campus; a variety of publications by student organizations, including The BAD Times and The X-Ray; and Homecoming photos and ephemera.
"This exhibit is one of a myriad ways University Libraries have collaborated with campus units in celebration of the university's 150th anniversary," said Lori Birrell, associate dean for Special Collections. "From newly digitized materials, course assignments and public programming, these archival resources provide an important foundation for understanding where the university has been and its priorities for the future."
Amy Allen, university archivist
University Libraries
479-575-6370, ala005@uark.edu
Kelsey Lovewell Lippard, director of public relations
University Libraries
479-575-7311, klovewel@uark.edu