Fall Watercolor Workshop Oct. 13
Follow along with local artist Tram Colwin as he teaches a step-by-step watercolor workshop to create a festive fall wreath on Wednesday, Oct. 13, in the Anne Kittrell Art Gallery! This free event will have two 1.5-hour classes starting at 5 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. available to sign up for on HogSync, and all materials will be provided. Students may show up at the beginning of the class if they can't RSVP to see if we have extra spots, but it is recommended that students utilize the reservation feature. If students RSVP and don't show by five minutes before class begins, the spot is forfeited.
- 5 p.m. class — hogsync.uark.edu/event/7452574
- 6:45 p.m. class — hogsync.uark.edu/event/7452576
This event is sponsored by University Programs through the Office of Student Activities and is supported by the Student Activities Fee. For questions or for accommodations due to disability, please contact the Office of Student Activities, osa@uark.edu or call 479-575-5255. University Programs is a program in the Division of Student Affairs.
About the Division of Student Affairs: The Division of Student Affairs supports students in pursuing knowledge, earning a degree, finding meaningful careers, exploring diversity and connecting with the global community. We provide students housing, dining, health care resources and create innovative programs that educate and inspire. We enhance the University of Arkansas experience and help students succeed, one student at a time.
University Programs,
Office of Student Activities
479-575-5255, osa@uark.edu
Scott Flanagin, executive director of communications
Division of Student Affairs
479-575-6785, sflanagi@uark.edu