Libraries Seek Input on Policies
The University Libraries will migrate to a new online system in July 2022 and are seeking input from campus users to inform the creation of policies. A short survey is available through Oct. 31. All responses will be for internal use only and kept anonymous.
The new system, Primo VE, will be used to manage the lending of materials. Libraries personnel will program the system with policy information, such as the length of loan for a standard book. The migration to the new system presents an opportunity to gather input on how well current policies are serving campus. All are welcome to take the survey, and faculty members and graduate students are particularly encouraged to do so.
"We hope to hear from as many faculty as possible as we review our policies to ensure they are equitable and inclusive," said Adriana Gonzalez, associate dean for Research and Learning.
Adriana Gonzalez, associate dean for Research and Learning
University Libraries
Kelsey Lovewell Lippard, director of public relations
University Libraries