Staff Coffee Opportunity With Interim Chancellor Charles Robinson

Interim Chancellor Charles Robinson
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Interim Chancellor Charles Robinson

Interim Chancellor Charles Robinson invites staff to join him for coffee at this semester's first staff coffee break. The gathering is planned for  9:30-10:30 a.m., Wednesday, Oct. 13.

"I look forward to these gatherings throughout the semester," Robinson said. "I hope you will join me to discuss ideas, ask questions and share what's on your mind."

The event will include up to 13 staff members in order to allow for social distancing. Names will be selected by lottery if there are more registrants than available spots. Staff who are interested in attending should send their name and the name of their department to Sally Adams at no later than Thursday, Oct. 7. Selected staff will be notified by Oct. 8.


Sally Adams, executive assistant to the chancellor
Chancellor's Office

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