Seminar on 'Reinventing In Situ Multi-Dimensional Imaging' Today

Bin Dong
University Relations

Bin Dong

Professor Bin Dong, the newest faculty member in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, will give a seminar titled "Reinventing In Situ Multi-dimensional Imaging" on Zoom from 4-5 p.m. today, Friday, Sept. 10. Everyone is welcome to attend the seminar individually via Zoom or to come to SCEN 0203 where the seminar can be viewed in-person with other attendees. The talk is free and open to the public.

Dong is an assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry at the U of A. He received his B.S. from Xiamen University in 2007, did Ph.D. work with professor Ning Fang at Iowa State University from 2011 to 2015 and continued his postdoctoral research with Ning Fang at Georgia State University. Dong joined the U of A in 2021. His research develops newly advanced optical microscopy imaging and spectroscopy systems and investigates dynamics processes in functional materials and biophysics under in-situ conditions. Current studies include single molecule imaging, super-resolution imaging, single particle tracking, advanced optical microscopy and spectroscopy systems development.

Optical microscopy has become an invaluable tool for investigating complex samples. Over the years, there have been many advancements to optical microscopes to obtain a deeper level of understanding of the sample. Dynamic changes in biological and chemical systems are of utmost importance to study. To probe these samples, Dong has developed novel multidimensional approaches to study the system of interest. These dimensions include three-dimensional space, time and orientations of the optical probe. More recently, additional dimensions, like combinatorial imaging systems combining spectroscopy and microscopy, are used to simultaneously uncover rich information about the chemical and physical dynamics of the sample of interest. In this talk, Dong will discuss a few multidimensional microscopy systems and their associated applications in chemical and biological systems.

To attend the seminar, please visit the Zoom link.
Meeting ID: 870 1464 3915
Passcode: jq8WX=Dg


Megan Parette,
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

News Daily