Service Learning Initiative Announces Three Grant Opportunities for Faculty and Instructors
The U of A Service Learning Initiative is pleased to announce opportunities for faculty and instructors who are engaged in service learning on the U of A campus. The goal of these grants is to help increase the number and improve the quality of undergraduate service learning courses at the U of A by providing financial resources for planning, development and publishing of service learning activities. These opportunities include:
Materials and Equipment Grants are allocated to support a wide variety of expenses, including course curriculum materials, equipment and electronic technology. Proposals, submitted by existing and new service learning instructors, can be awarded up to $1,500 per course.
Domestic Travel Grants are presented to support travel for pre-program domestic site visits or for domestic academic conference presentations related to a service learning course. The Service Learning Initiative will consider proposals for up to $1,500 per course. While authorization for travel is currently uncertain, we will consider grants for travel for this fiscal year. We will follow university guidelines related to travel posted on the U of A Coronavirus website.
Publication Grants The goal of these grants is to help service-learning instructors extend the reputation of the U of A Service Learning Initiative through publication of their service learning activities in professional journals or other relevant outlets. The Service Learning Initiative will consider proposals for up to $1,500 per course.
Applications for these grants are due on the last day of each month. Material & Equipment Grants applications are available the months of September through April. Travel Grant and Publication Grant applications are available all months of the year.
Apply here for the Service Learning Faculty Travel Grant.
Apply here for the Service Learning Materials and Equipment Grant.
Apply here for the Service Learning Publication Grant.
For questions regarding the process, please contact Shalini Rana at or Jennie Popp at or (479) 575-7381.
Jennie Popp, co-chair, Service Learning Initiative
Honors College
Kendall Curlee, director of communications
Honors College