National Pan-Hellenic Council Week 2021
The National Pan-Hellenic Council is hosting several events during their annual NPHC week. This year NPHC will started their week on the Union Mall at noon Tuesday, Sept. 7, with an event entitled "Back to the Yard." Each organization displayed a national program or target that they wish to focus on to provide educational information to students during this event. Each evening, the National Pan-Hellenic Council plans to host various education programs for all students to attend.
The National Pan-Hellenic Council hosted a program Sept. 7, entitled "Bridging the Gap." This event talked about the importance of supporting one another in various colleges and programs on campus. Students who attend this program will be provided tips from current students in becoming successful throughout their time on campus. This program was at the Unity House.
Wednesday, Sept. 8
The National Pan-Hellenic Council will host a "Back to Business" educational program. During this program, students will learn about the importance of building a resume and how to use LinkedIn effectively. This program will be at 6:30 p.m. at the Unity House.
Thursday, Sept. 9
NPHC fraternities and sororities will be at the Union Food Court tabling to discuss the importance of "Knowing Your Rights" to inform students on civil liberties. The National Pan-Hellenic Council will host an evening event titled "Protecting the Mind," which will focus on mental health awareness. The council will provide tips and ways to relieve stress and discuss the reality of struggling with mental health as a minority on campus. A keynote speaker from the university's Counseling and Psychological Services will also be in attendance to educate students on the importance of mental health. The event will take place at the Unity House at 6:30 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 10
The council will be having "Welcome to the House" an open house for the university's Unity House. The National Pan-Hellenic Council and the United Greek Council will provide information regarding their organizations. The organization would love for students to come by and get to know them. This event will also include snacks, games and more. This event will start at 12:30 p.m. and will be held at the Unity House. At 3 p.m., NPHC and UGC would like students to participate in doing a community service project entitled "Picking up the Pieces" for a community cleanup at Wilson Park to conclude their week. All events are welcome and open to all students to attend.
Garry Butler, associate director
Greek Life
Scott Flanagin, executive director of communications
Division of Student Affairs