Student Coffee Opportunity With Interim Chancellor Charles Robinson

Interim Chancellor Charles Robinson
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Interim Chancellor Charles Robinson

Interim Chancellor Charles Robinson welcomes the opportunity for students to join him for a beverage and snack. He wants to engage with the students, learn what's on their minds and answer any questions they might have. These chancellor chats will take place every few weeks, and each gathering will be reserved for students whose major is in one particular college or school. The designations of the colleges and schools will rotate on a regular basis.

The next chat is for students whose majors are in the College of Education and Health Professions. The coffee is scheduled for 11 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Sept. 22.  Names will be selected by a lottery if there are more students than spots, and students will be notified by Friday, Sept. 17.

Keeping the group's size to no more than 13 students not only assists with social distancing requirements, but helps make for a better discussion environment. Students who are interested in attending this inaugural gathering should submit your name, major and year to

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