September Cordes Chair Event: 'Adapting the Socratic Method of Teaching: An Antidote to "Lecture?"'
Join the Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center for an informal conversation about teaching with the September Cordes Chairperson, Raja Kali, from noon to 1 p.m., Friday, Sept. 17, in Willard J. Walker Hall Room 403.
Have you found that your students have forgotten how to discuss material over the past year? In the Socratic method, the classroom experience is a shared dialogue between teacher and students in which both are responsible for pushing the dialogue forward through questioning. The "teacher," or leader of the dialogue, asks probing questions in an effort to expose the values and beliefs which frame and support the thoughts and statements of the participants in the inquiry. The students ask questions as well, both of the teacher and each other. Kali will discuss how to use the Socratic method to advance learning of specific concepts and knowledge instead of pure open-ended discussion.
Kali is the former director of the Walton M.B.A. program and is a past awardee of the Walton College "Best All Around" Faculty Member. He has also been awarded the Faculty Gold Medal from the Office of Nationally Competitive Awards. He is currently the president of the Association for Indian Economic and Financial Studies.
This event is co-sponsored by the Walton Center for Teaching Effectiveness, and pizza will be served to those that RSVP and attend in person. Please click here to RSVP no later than Friday, Sept. 10. A Zoom link is available for those who wish to attend remotely:
- Join Zoom Meeting
- Meeting ID: 891 4225 5352
- Passcode: 0j(I2o?S
All faculty are welcome!
Lori Libbert, HEI Program coordinator
Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center