Fall Meeting of the Campus Faculty: 'Confronting Burnout'
Campus Faculty will hold its fall 2021 meeting at 3 p.m., Friday, Sept. 10. The topic of the meeting is: Confronting Faculty Burnout. Dr. Michael Berner, a physician at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and an expert in mental health, will lead a much needed discussion about faculty burnout. This seminar is cosponsored by the Teaching Academy, the Wally Cordes Teaching Faculty Support Center and the Office of Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.
Faculty burnout is real in the best of times, when the weight of our teaching, grading, emails, research responsibilities and committee service can seem overwhelming. These are not the best of times, though. Heading into our fourth semester of collegiate instruction during a pandemic, many of us are feeling the strain and added stresses of masks, vaccines, Zooms, chats, hybrid recordings and the looming threat that we might be next to get sick.
Join the Campus Faculty, Teaching Academy, Cordes Teaching Faculty Support Center and Office of Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs for a frank conversation about faculty burnout: what it is, how to avoid it and how to manage it if it happens to you.
This is a virtual event, accessible to all faculty with UARK login credentials via the Zoom page.
Stephen E. Caldwell, associate professor
Department of Music
479-575-3141, stephenc@uark.edu