Books on Display, Available for Checkout in Mullins Library for Appreciate Diversity Month

The display is located on the lobby level of Mullins Library by the print release station.
In celebration of Appreciate Diversity Month, a display of books from the University Libraries' Diversity Collection is up on the lobby level of Mullins Library. All are available for checkout to campus users.
Appreciate Diversity Month is observed from Aug. 15 to Sept. 15 and celebrates differences in race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, culture, religion and age. Materials in the Diversity Collection, including the titles on display, relate to these topics.
"Recommended selections by Lynaire Hartsell, user services coordinator, include titles such as Supporting Gender Diversity in Early Classrooms, Uprooting Racism, I Bring the Voices of my People, Relocating Authority and LatinX Cine," said Martha A. Anderson, chair of the Libraries Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. "These are a few examples from the Libraries Diversity Collection, composed of approximately 650 books. There is something for everyone in this collection."
The Diversity and Inclusion at the U of A Libraries research guide covers topics related to Black, Latinx and Indigenous peoples in connection with local demographics, events and anti-racism. The Demographics section of the guide includes information at the national, state and campus levels to better appreciate the diversity composition. The section on Where to Start Your Own Research on Diversity was created to facilitate access to recent materials.
Lynaire Hartsell, user experience coordinator
University Libraries
Kelsey Lovewell Lippard, director of public relations
University Libraries