RSOs Invited to Nominate Students for Homecoming Court Selection Committee

Registered Student Organizations can be part of the Homecoming selection process by nominating students for Homecoming Court Selection Committee.
Registered Student Organizations can be part of the Homecoming selection process by nominating students for Homecoming Court Selection Committee. Applications are available on HogSync and are due by noon on Monday, Sept. 13. RSOs must be registered with either the Office of Student Activities or the Office of Greek Life for the 2021-2022 academic year to nominate a committee member. Nominations must be submitted by the RSO president or treasurer. No late applications will be accepted, even if HogSync allows the submission.
Each RSO may submit one nominee for the Homecoming Court Student Selection Committee. Nominees will then receive a form via HogSync asking them to certify that they agree to certain terms, including not serving as a Homecoming candidate, not participating in their own RSO's Homecoming Court nomination process,and not having a relationship to any potential Homecoming Court candidate. A nominee's application will not be complete until the nominee submits this certification.
The Student Selection Committee will be composed of representatives from the seven RSO categories (Greek, Governing, Honorary/Service, International/Cultural, Professional/Academic, Religious and Special Interest). A maximum of four representatives from each RSO category will be allowed, with no more than one from each RSO. Within the Greek category, there will be a maximum of one representative from each Greek council (IFC, NPHC, Panhellenic and United Greek Council). Once students are verified to meet co-curricular requirements, representatives will be appointed in the order their applications were received.
Students chosen for the Homecoming Court Selection Committee will be responsible for attending a mandatory training session. Additionally, every member of this panel will be required to be present for two scoring sessions.
For more information about Homecoming Court Selection Committee, contact Teia Anderson, ASG Vice President, at For more information about the application process or for accommodations due to disability, please contact the Office of Student Activities, 479-575-5255 or email
This event is sponsored by Associated Student Government through the Office of Student Activities and is supported by the Student Activities Fee. For questions or for accommodations due to disability, please contact the Office of Student Activities, or call 479-575-5255. ASG is a program in the Division of Student Affairs.
About the Division of Student Affairs: The Division of Student Affairs supports students in pursuing knowledge, earning a degree, finding meaningful careers, exploring diversity, and connecting with the global community. We provide students housing, dining, health care resources, and create innovative programs that educate and inspire. We enhance the University of Arkansas experience and help students succeed, one student at a time.
Associated Student Government,
Office of Student Activities
Scott Flanagin, executive director of communications
Division of Student Affairs