Career Curriculum Available for Faculty
The U of A Career Development Center (CDC) has designed Career Curriculum for instructors to easily add professional development content to their Blackboard courses. Career Curriculum is a set of independent Blackboard modules that allows university instructors of all subjects and levels to incorporate educational content and interactive activities that teach students a variety of career management tools and practice career readiness competencies.
The pre-made Blackboard content consists of complete modules which are tailored for 50-minute class periods and include in-class activities, assessments, student learning objectives and students' next steps. Current modules focus on resume and cover letter writing, college and career planning, interview skills, salary negotiation, informational interviews, using LinkedIn and Handshake, and exploring the Career Development Center resources. (Additional modules will be developed in the future.)
Based on recommendations from employers, the National Association of Colleges and Employers identifies eight career readiness competencies that are crucial for job and internship seeking students: career and self-development, communication, critical thinking, equity and inclusion, leadership, professionalism, teamwork and technology.
Instructors may request to copy modules of interest into their Blackboard courses by completing this Blackboard module access FORM or gather more information on
Carolyn Chitwood, director of Career Education
U of A Career Development Center