Libraries Accepting Course Reserve Requests for Fall 2021 Semester
The University Libraries are currently accepting course reserve requests, including physical reserves, for the fall 2021 semester. Instructors interested in placing items on reserve must complete a Course Reserve Request Form, and all requests will be processed in the order in which they are received.
During the pandemic, the Libraries went from providing mostly physical course reserves to all digital reserves. Course reserve materials will continue to be provided digitally whenever possible through LibGuides. When digital materials are not available, staff will try to locate the physical item and have it placed on course reserve. Instructors may lend the Libraries their personal copies to be placed on course reserve, as well.
Instructors should be aware that while the Libraries will attempt to fulfill all reserve requests received, that may not be possible for some materials due to copyright restrictions or lack of availability.
All electronic reserves will be hosted on the Libraries' Springshare LibGuides platform. This allows for the designation of a date upon which the material will no longer be available, which aids in abiding by copyright law. Materials will no longer be posted directly into Blackboard; instead, a direct link will be provided to all course reserve material within LibGuides. This link may be posted directly into Blackboard, shared with students via email or added directly into syllabi. The links provided will only be accessible for one semester. New course reserve forms will need to be filled out each semester, and updated links will be provided.
For assistance in finding materials for courses, instructors may reach out to their subject librarian. Those interested in using existing open educational resources or creating their own can visit the Libraries' Open Educational Resources webpage or email
Shannon Youmans, library specialist
University Libraries
Kelsey Lovewell Lippard, director of public relations
University Libraries