Effort Certification Training Scheduled for June 10 and 24
July 2020 effort certification will be generated in Workday on Monday, June 14. Please communicate the information below to the appropriate personnel.
Training is required for all employees who are responsible for certifying effort.
Due to the new ERP system, it is highly encouraged for all Effort Reviewers and Effort Certifiers to attend the training scheduled below.
Please sign up here:
Thursday, June 10 — 10-11:30 a.m. https://edp.uark.edu/register.php?id=16020
Thursday, June 24 — 10-11:30 a.m. https://edp.uark.edu/register.php?id=16021
For further information on the effort certification process, please visit the policies and procedures page.
If you have other questions, please email Katie Tracy at kltracy@uark.edu or call (479) 575-3261.
Katie Tracy, director of research accounting
Office of Sponsored Programs
479-575-3261, kltracy@uark.edu