Flexible Work, Remote Work Policy Updated
The following Fayetteville Policies and Procedures have been revised:
The university has updated the campus policy addressing remote work arrangements and flexible work schedules. The updated policy— Fayetteville Policies and Procedures 412.3 (Flexible Work Arrangements, Including Remote Work)—replaces 412.3 (Telecommuting) and 405.2 (Flexible Work Schedules).
The updated policy is intended to apply to ongoing flexible work arrangements and describes the request and approval process. Flexible work arrangements are not appropriate for all positions or for all employees. Flexible work arrangements are entered into at the discretion of the university and may be terminated at any time.
Employees who wish to request a flexible work arrangement should read the updated policy and discuss their request with their immediate supervisor. All requests are subject to the approval of the provost or the relevant vice chancellor.
All policies may be viewed on the web at Fayetteville Policies and Procedures.
Jolenda Lyn Hott, executive assistant
Division of Finance and Administration
479-575-5828, bradley@uark.edu