Writing Workshop Week Offered for Graduate Students
The office of graduate student support has arranged for a week of virtual writing workshops for graduate students running Monday to Friday, May 17-21. Vernetta Mosley, founder of Cultivate the Writer, will lead participants through discussions on issues and topics necessary for graduate student success as writers and contributors to their respective fields. The week will consist of the following sessions:
- Monday, May 17: Writing Productivity
- Tuesday, May 18: Literature Review
- Wednesday, May 19: Elements of Sound Academic Argument
- Thursday, May 20: Art of Revision
- Friday, May 21: Grant Writing
These sessions are meant to expand on the offerings available to U of A grad students through our new membership in the online Cultivate the Writer platform. Cultivate the Writer is designed to develop scholars into proficient writers through academic writing boot camps, editing services, coaching sessions and customized writing services.
For more information on these virtual workshops or our new Cultivate the Writer membership, email gradsupport@uark.edu.
Laura Moix, director
Graduate Student Support
479-575-7038, lmoix@uark.edu