Engineering Cooperative Education Course Registration Is Open
The College of Engineering Cooperative Education Course registration for summer term is open. The course is a great opportunity for engineering, computer science and data science students planning to participate in a paid full-time or part-time internship over the summer. Students should consider applying for the one credit hour Cooperative Education Course. The cost is $25.
Margot Purdy, career events and co-op coordinator for the College of Engineering, said the course is a way for engineering students to gain professional experience while earning their degree.
“There are many benefits to taking the course, such as maintaining your full-time enrollment status with the university, receiving academic credit and professional experience, as well as, in some cases, becoming eligible for monetary scholarships and award opportunities,” she said.
The course does not require in-person attendance. Students must have a written offer from an employer prior to completing the application. Undergraduate students must have completed 30 hours towards their engineering degree and must have a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA. If working a full-time internship, undergraduate students must have at least 12 hours of required course work remaining upon their return to campus. Graduate students must have completed six hours towards their engineering degree and must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA. Additionally, whether working a full-time or part-time internship, graduate students must have at least three required hours (master's) or six required hours (Ph.D.) of course work/dissertation/thesis remaining upon their return to campus. All transfer students, undergraduate or graduate, must have completed one semester of full-time study in the U of A College of Engineering.
For more information or to apply please visit the Co-op Website
The deadline to apply for the course is May 28.
For questions, please contact Margot Purdy, career events and co-op coordinator, at
Christin R. Finney, website developer
College of Engineering