Looking for a Language This Fall? Think About Studying Italian
Thinking about your language requirement for the fall?
Do you already speak one Romance language and would like to add another language and culture to your repertoire?
Have you always wanted to learn Italian but never had the time?
Enroll in one of our Italian language courses this fall.
If you still are unsure, here are a few reasons to help convince you.
- Italy is central to Western culture.
- Italy is a business leader for the global GDP.
- Music and the arts rely heavily on Italian.
- Italian is for movie buffs and fashion lovers.
- The U of A has a Rome Center!
Questions? Email Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, Italian section head, at calabret@uark.edu.
Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, assistant professor of Italian
World Languages, Literatures and Cultures
847-217-1630, calabret@uark.edu