Learn Arabic Over Summer
Get a head start on learning Arabic this summer!
The Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures is offering a new remote/online Arabic course for students this summer.
This non-intensive introductory course is for students with no prior knowledge of Arabic, or those in need of a refresher course. Students will learn to read, write and converse in Arabic on a variety of basic, daily-life topics, as well as learn about the diverse cultures of native speakers.
These courses count for credit toward the minor or major in Arabic or Middle East Studies. ARAB 1003 and ARAB 1013 (offered in the Fall semester) are equivalent to the intensive ARAB 1016 course.
For more information please contact either ahaydar@uark.edu or halzoin@uark.edu.
Adnan Fuad Haydar, professor
World Languages, Literatures and Cultures
479-575-5155, ahaydar@uark.edu