Join the School of Journalism and Strategic Media for J-Days 2021
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – School of Journalism and Strategic Media students, faculty, staff and alumni celebrate Journalism Days April 5-9.
Featured events include the Roy Reed Lecture featuring Kathy Roberts Forde, a lunch and learn with alumni panelists, and Student Media leaders, a scholarship reception and private classroom events including an interview with Gen. Wesley Clark.
Scholarship Reception
Celebrate journalism students and their accomplishments at a virtual scholarship reception broadcast live from the UATV Studio.
- Time, Date: 12 noon, Wednesday, April 7
- Livestream link:
Roy Reed Lecture
The School of Journalism and Strategic Media will host Kathy Roberts Forde, professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and one of the nation's top journalism historians, to deliver the 2021 Roy Reed Lecture.
Forde will discuss her forthcoming book, Journalism and Jim Crow: White Supremacy and the Black Struggle for a New America, which documents the active role white newspaper publishers and editors played in building and sustaining white supremacy across the South from 1875 to 1920.
The Roy Reed Lecture Series is the featured event for the annual J-Days celebration. Reed was a reporter for the New York Times and taught journalism at the U of A, where he stressed the importance of telling stories accurately and well.
- Time, Date: 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 7
- Zoom link:
- Meeting ID: 838 0252 4666
- Passcode: Royreed!21
Student Media Lunch and Learn
Learn about the future of Student Media at the University of Arkansas and how you can support student media leaders at our Student Media Lunch and Learn.
The conversation will be led by Robyn Ledbetter, student media director, and Heidi Kirk, student media manager of strategic media and collaboration. It will feature alumni panelists Tevin Wooten and Sue Walk Burnett.
- Time, Date: 12 noon, Thursday, April 8
- Registration required: Arkansas Alumni Association
About J-Days: The School of Journalism and Strategic Media hosts its annual J-Days celebration in the first week of April. The week traditionally includes an ice cream social for graduating seniors, a scholarship reception, the Roy Reed lecture series, a Lemke Journalism Project reception, a student scholarship dinner and other events. SJSM faculty also host special lectures and journalists and media professionals as guest speakers throughout the week.
Journalism students are invited to attend an interview and question/answer with Gen. Wesley Clark; a presentation by NPR reporter Allison Herrera, the 2020-21 Visiting Distinguish Professor of Ethics in Journalism; and a roundtable discussion on "The Integration of Arkansas Football" featuring four men involved in the process.
The 2021 J-Days events were altered for public safety concerns due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Robyn M. Starling-Ledbetter, instructor
Student Media