Political Science Professor Elected to Women's Caucus for International Studies
A. Burcu Bayram, assistant professor of political science, has been elected to serve as a member on the Women's Caucus for International Studies from a record number of candidates from all over the world. She will serve a term of two years (2021-2023).
Celebrating its 25th university this year, the Women's Caucus is dedicated to promoting equal opportunities for women, regardless of sex assignment at birth, in their professional lives and advancing the status of women in the profession of international studies.
The Women's Caucus for International Studies is a caucus of the International Studies Association that represents 100 countries with over 7,000 members worldwide.
Founded in 1959, ISA is one of the oldest interdisciplinary associations devoted to understanding international, transnational and global affairs.
Having served on ISA's Committee on the Status of Representation and Diversity since 2018, Bayram welcomes the opportunity to work towards upgrading the status of women in international studies.
During her tenure, she intends to facilitate fresh dialogue on how the profession can further support female-identifying scholars to alleviate the adverse effects of COVID-19 and be an advocate for women from the Global South.
A. Burcu Bayram, assistant professor
Department of Political Science
479-575-5327, bayram@uark.edu