GPSC Wellness Series Next Wednesday
In collaboration with the Wellness Center, the Graduate Professional Student Congress' Graduate Life Committee curated a Wellness Series aimed at promoting health and wellness for graduate students.
This is the last session in the series, which will demonstrate various techniques such as yoga, boxing, Krav Maga, and more.
We will be meeting in Adohi Hall Performance Center at 5 p.m. on April 7.
Space is limited to 18 students.
Please bring your own yoga mat or towel for public health considerations. Face masks and social distancing will be enforced during the session. Hand sanitizers will be available for students. Attendance information will be recorded for contact tracing.
For more information, feel free to contact Juan Marin Jr., Grad Life Committee chair, at
Juan Marin Jr, chair, GPSC Graduate Life Committee
Graduate Professional Student Congress