Registration Now Available for Black Alumni Society's Biennal Reunion
The U of A Black Alumni Society will host its biennial reunion April 12-18. During the biennial reunion, BAS will honor eight awardees in four categories for their service to the society, the university and the community. This group of honorees embody the theme for the reunion: Connect with the Past, Engage and Be Present, and Inspire for the Future.
"We know that our University of Arkansas experience did not end with a cap, gown and degree on sheepskin paper," Bowden said. "Those symbols of completion were actually a call to higher service and a reminder that we are caretakers of the lighthouse. Our shared experiences connect us in a special way, and the farther we cast our light, the sharper our vision becomes for the tasks that lie ahead."
Virtual Registration and Sponsorship
Reunion registration is now available. Those who purchase reunion packages this year will be sent commemorative items to celebrate this occasion. These will be shipped to the address provided on the registration form. If members and nonmembers would like for the Reunion Razorbox to arrive prior to the reunion, the last date to register is March 31.
The BAS will have member and nonmember reunion package pricing. Consider joining now to receive the discounted rate for members. Visit for more information.
There is also still time to sponsor the reunion or advertise in the Reunion Gala Journal. Visit the BAS Reunion website to download the sponsorship packet.
Supporting Black Scholars at the U of A
The BAS reunion scholarship goal is $40,000. They're excited to issue a "Challenge Call Out" to those who BAS know can reach back to make a difference in the lives of current students.
BAS invites all alumni, administrators, faculty, staff, friends and corporate partners to participate in the BAS Challenge FundRAZOR.
For more information, please contact Angela Mosley Monts at (reunion events and programming questions) or the Arkansas Alumni Association at (registration questions).
Angela Mosley-Monts, assistant vice chancellor
Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion