Upcoming Tech Updates from Apple and Dell
In a collaboration between the Tech Store, Apple and Dell, students, faculty and staff are invited to learn about tech updates for each company's products.
Chris Dunbar, Apple Systems engineer, will give an online presentation about tech updates for Apple products from 11 a.m. to noon Wednesday, March 10.
This presentation will provide the opportunity to meet the new Apple systems engineer and learn what's new in using, deploying and managing Apple devices. This presentation will focus on the new M1 (Apple Silicon) chip, important updates in macOS and iOS/iPadOS and best practices for using Apple School Manager (ASM) and Mobile Device Management (MDM).
Apple's Meeting Information
- https://uark.zoom.us/j/81073754493?pwd=M09LQlB5cjJQN0sxd2hqVlk0TjFmdz09
- Meeting ID: 810 7375 4493
- Passcode: 4TCU@RxM
A Dell Client Solutions specialist will give an online presentation about tech updates for Dell products from 2 to 3 p.m., March 11.
This presentation will include the timeline for new and upcoming Dell product launches. The presentation will also provide details on the currently available video conferencing monitors:
- the Latitude 3090/7090 Ultra
- the Rugged line and
- "The Universal" Precision 3240 Compact and Precision 3440 models
Dell's Meeting Information
Please register to attend this webinar at the link below:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the webinar.
The Tech Store provides the following benefits for the campus community:
- Online shopping with free on-campus delivery (residence halls excluded)
- Academic discounts from name brand manufacturers such as Apple and Dell for university departments and students
- Several hands-on services, including new device set-up and low or no-cost repairs for Apple and Dell devices under warranty
By purchasing from the Tech Store, students can ensure computers match academic program requirements. View the computer recommendations for specific department requirements.
The Tech Store is at 616 N. Garland Ave and open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Rachel Gerner, content strategist
Information Technology Services
479-387-3824, rgerner@uark.edu