Jones to Give Webinar on Benefits Realization Management
Members of the campus community and public are invited to a webinar featuring Phil Jones, instructor in the Master of Science in Operations Management program, on the topic of Benefits Realization Management. The BRM program is both a discipline and a process used to align projects undertaken by an organization with the organization's strategy and culture.
If you are a project professional or interested in project management, learn how to leverage Benefits Realization Management to ensure projects are aligned with your organizational strategy. In this webinar, foundational concepts of Benefits Realization Management will be presented and discussed.
The presentation will take place from noon to 1 p.m. CST Wednesday, March 10. If you are unable to join us at this time, please register to receive a link to the recorded session.
Register at The webinar will be presented with Zoom. You will need to have an active account and be logged in on the day of the event.
This webinar is part of the M.S. in Operations Management and M.S. in Engineering Management Lunch and Learn webinar series.
Jones's career includes serving in various roles. For 25 years Jones worked at Alcoa's mining and heavy industrial manufacturing facility in Bauxite, Arkansas, but the past 12-plus years, Phil has worked in the engineering and construction industry, in project management and business development roles, for what is now Atkins North America and currently for C.R. Crawford Construction.
Blake Chapman, project/program specialist
Department of Industrial Engineering