Students Invited to Virtual Conversation with Chancellor March 4

Chancellor Joe Steinmetz, middle, takes questions during a chat with students in 2020.
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Chancellor Joe Steinmetz is inviting University of Arkansas students to join him for an informal conversation to be held virtually at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, March 4. He will be joined by Associated Student Government President Julia Nall and Graduate Professional Student Congress president, J.D. DiLoreto-Hill, who will help facilitate a Q & A. Interested students will need to register in advance for the Zoom event.
As Steinmetz explained in an email to students, "Typically, this is a chance for me to touch base with you, answer questions and get an idea how you're doing. In a year like this, I think it's all the more important to hear what's on your minds and what interests or concerns you. You'll have an opportunity to pose a question when you register or you can ask one during the course of the conversation. We'll do our best to answer as many as we can."
All students are welcome to attend this free event, but they will need to register with their uark email account.
Chancellor Steinmetz also hosts small groups of students for coffee and casual conversations several times a year and meets regularly with undergraduate and graduate student government representatives. The next coffee is scheduled for March 5 at 9:30 am. Spots are still available, though they are limited, and can be reserved by emailing
Hardin Young, manager, executive communications
Office of University Relations