University of Arkansas Named to PRNEWS' 2021 Education A-List
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The School of Journalism and Strategic Media at the University of Arkansas has been named to PRNEWS' 2021 Education A-List.
The award recognizes the best institutions of higher education advancing the careers of public relations and communication professionals in the United States.
Applicants consisted of public and private institutions of higher education across the country. To compile the list, PRNEWS looked at how the programs prepare students for continued success in their existing jobs and their future career paths.
This included examining specialties offered, diversity of the faculty and student body, the evolution of the AD/PR major, financial assistance offered, and where the School of Journalism and Strategic Media sees the program heading in the future.
SJSM works hard to ensure all students have access to scholarships, internships, interactive projects, and inclusive student media. It ranks among the elite, fully accredited journalism schools in the country.
SJSM has the most outstanding scholarship support of all departments and programs in Fulbright College. More than $100,000 a year is awarded to journalism majors who meet requirements of the various departmental scholarships.
SJSM also offers projects that highlight and encourage diversity. The Arkansas Soul Summer Travel Writing Program is an annual two-week program geared toward minority high school students interested in journalism and strategic media. The Lemke Journalism Project is an annual news program for high school students interested in writing about diversity issues in Northwest Arkansas.
Visit the PRNews 2021 A-List to see the full list of those awarded.
About the School of Journalism and Strategic Media: The journalism program was established at the University of Arkansas in 1930. It offers full-time, part-time, and online degree-seeking programs for undergraduates as well as a graduate master's degree program. Visit the school's website for more information on the School of Journalism and Strategic Media at the University of Arkansas.
Jee Young Chung, assistant professor
School of Journalism and Strategic Media