Statement From Chancellor Joe Steinmetz Regarding the Start of the Spring Semester
I would like to wish everyone a safe and healthy start to another unusual semester. We'll continue to do all we can to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and are ever watchful about the distribution of the vaccine and will communicate details about phasing and eligibility for members of the campus community as we learn them. Along with the rest of the nation, I watched what happened in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday with a combination of shock and disbelief. The Constitution grants us many rights and upholding these ideals is the cornerstone of our democracy. As an educational institution, we must continue to teach and learn from these events and talk about what they mean, how they affect us, and how we can move forward together. However, we will never condone violence as a means of expression or protest.
Members of our campus community who need assistance in processing these events in an already stressful time may find support in each other, in our campus community, through mental health services provided through the Employee Assistance Program 800-542-6021 or for students at the Pat Walker Health Center's Counseling & Psychological Services 479-575-5276. If you feel unsafe on campus at any time, you should call 911 or UAPD at 575-2222. And if you experience or see something that is concerning, you may use — our portal for documenting and investigating concerns appropriately.
Together, we must cultivate an attitude of resilience and understanding, of grace and compassion, and of shared commitment to doing the right thing. We face many challenges, but facing them together will make us stronger. We are Razorbacks Together and Razorback Strong! Have a great semester!
Mark Rushing, assistant vice chancellor
University Relations