U of A Completes Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Preparedness Exercise
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Members of the University of Arkansas community including UAPD Emergency Management, Facilities Management, University Housing, and vendors Triple S Alarm and Powers of Arkansas came together in late November to run an emergency preparedness drill testing the response to a natural gas incident on campus.
The drill was part of the Facilities Management Central Utility Operation's annual pipeline safety and awareness program. Participants were asked to act out the processes in place for responding to a hypothetical methane gas leak in Adohi Hall.
During the exercise, participants role-played through the actions and responses that would be necessary during a real gas leak. Observers graded the success of the exercise and created a list of key takeaways once the exercise was completed.
The exercise, organized by Jessica Post and UAPD Emergency Management, was initially intended to be a full drill complete with the evacuation of residence halls. However, due to COVID concerns, the plans were adjusted to minimize the number of participants congregating and prevent those in quarantine from being exposed to others. A full drill will be rescheduled for next year assuming restrictions have been lifted.
About the pipeline
While natural gas pipelines are usually very safe, individuals on or near campus should be aware of how to recognize a natural gas leak and what to do in the case of a pipeline emergency.
The easiest way to identify a gas leak is by smell. The UA natural gas line along with the Black Hills distribution lines have been odorized with a chemical that smells like rotten eggs to help identify leaks. Other signs of potential leaks include a hissing or roaring noise, large sections of dead vegetation, dirt blowing in the air, or fire coming from the ground. If you detect a potential leak, leave the area, and tell those around you to leave. Once you are a safe distance away from the potential gas leak, call 911.
For more information about the pipeline, visit pipelinesafety.uark.edu.
Breanna Lacy, communications coordinator
Facilities Management
479-575-6044, bllacy@uark.edu