Taylor, Krier and Morrison Awarded Steele-Croxton Memorial Scholarships
Three University of Arkansas students — Jacob "Jake" Taylor, Jake Krier and Machaela Morrison — have received Joe M. Steele & Hardy W. Croxton Memorial Scholarships for 2020-21.
Taylor is from Rogers and is pursuing a degree in civil engineering. Morrison is from West Fork and is focused on a degree in environmental, soil and water science. Krier, a previous winner, is from Fayetteville and is majoring in biological engineering.
Beaver Water District Board members donate board meeting attendance fees to the scholarship fund. These scholarships provide financial assistance to upperclassman or graduate students in the Departments of Civil Engineering, Biological and Agricultural Engineering or Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences who have demonstrated interest in drinking water treatment, wastewater treatment, environmental or life sciences.
The fund is managed by the University of Arkansas Foundation. Donations may be made payable to the University of Arkansas Foundation Inc. — with Joe M. Steele & Hardy W. Croxton Memorial Scholarship in the memo line — and mailed to Gift Services, 300 University House, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701.
For more information about making a tax-deductible donation, contact Kristen Ford, associate director of development for the UA College of Engineering, at kristenf@uark.edu or call (479) 575-6764.
Amy Wilson, public affairs director
Beaver Water District
479-756-3651, awilson@bwdh2o.org