Moiseichik Appointed to Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies
Merry Moiseichik, a professor of Recreation and Sport Management at the University of Arkansas, has been appointed to the National Recreation and Park Association's Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies.
CAPRA is the accrediting body for park and recreation agencies, ensuring high standards of practice in quality of operation, management and service to the community. The commission has 15 members, and Moiseichik will represent the Academy of Park and Recreation Administrators.
"I was thrilled and honored to select Merry to the CAPRA Commission for a three-year term, based on her dedication and commitment to educate the parks and recreation profession," said Michael McLarty, executive director of the American Academy for Park Recreation Administration.
Moiseichik has been a member of the accreditation community for 15 years and has contributed as editor and chapter author for four editions of the "Management of Parks and Recreation" textbook. The fifth edition will be out by next summer and the project will again be led by her.
"The management book is based on CAPRA standards and is one of the best books in the industry," McLarty said.
Moiseichik said she has wanted to be a member of the commission for many years as "it's the leader in the parks and recreation industry for increasing the quality of administration and provision of parks and recreation services."
"It is these services that create the quality of life in a community," she said. "Excellence in these services improves air quality, economic growth and positive health benefits, which has been especially true in the pandemic.
"It creates beauty in our community and gives us wonderful places to play. The CAPRA Commission helps administrators identify where they can improve and the Management book tells and shows them how to do it. The two work hand in hand."
Moiseichik joined the faculty of the College of Education and Health Professions at the U of A in 1989.
Moiseichik was appointed by the American Academy of Park and Recreation Administration, which has five appointments to the commission.
The commission is committed to the development of quality park and recreation agencies. The agency accreditation program focuses on the education and evaluation of the agencies using standards considered to be the essential elements for effective and efficient operations.
Accreditation is earned through comprehensive and systematic self-assessment process and on-site visitation and peer review. Also, visitors are trained as peer evaluators and review the agency as part of the process.
Established in 1980, the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration was formed to advance knowledge related to the administration of recreation and parks; encourage scholarly efforts by both practitioners and educators to enhance the practice of park and recreation administration; promote broader public understanding of the importance of parks and recreation to the public good; and conduct research, publish scholarly papers and/or sponsor seminars related to the advancement of park and recreation administration.
The National Recreation and Park Association is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to building strong, healthy and resilient communities through the power of parks and recreation. NRPA's network of more than 60,000 park and recreation professionals and advocates represents public spaces in urban communities, rural settings and everything in between. NRPA champions and supports the field of parks and recreation through professional development, advocacy, grants and programs, research, publications and more.
Shannon G. Magsam, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions