Head of Tech Ventures Featured on Popular Podcast

David Hinton
University Relations

David Hinton

David Hinton, acting executive director of Technology Ventures, was interviewed on the Tech Transfer IP podcast by Tech Transfer IP Forum, one of the world's top 10% most popular podcasts. The Tech Transfer IP Forum provides in-depth analysis of intellectual property issues related to university and non-profit technology transfer.

In the podcast, available via Listen Notes, Apple Podcasts and other media, Hinton shares his background and journey to Technology Ventures at the University of Arkansas as well as how the office works. Other highlights include discussion of active licenses executed the past five years, the role of philanthropic organizations and his vision for the growth of Tech Ventures.

Hinton also serves as interim director of the Arkansas Research and Technology Park and as adjunct professor in the Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Venture Innovation Department.

About the University of Arkansas Technology Ventures: The University of Arkansas Technology Ventures has initiated a program to commercialize a wide range of research tools, whether patented or not. Technology Ventures manages, protects and commercializes the intellectual property portfolio of the University of Arkansas. Technology Ventures serves the university's faculty, staff and students as well as external inventors and entrepreneurs to disseminate knowledge, technology and products to the public market to generate revenue and future research support. In this way, we also serve the public as it is our responsibility to enable public utilization of products derived from university research.


Andy Albertson, senior director of communications
Research and Economic Development
479-871-9653, aalbert@uark.edu

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