Medieval England Study Abroad Summer 2021
Interested in spending Summer II 2021 in England? Consider getting 6 hours advanced credit doing so by studying "Medieval England." Take a quick look at the experience in this YouTube video.
Students interested in learning more about the summer program are invited to attend a virtual info session Thursday, November 19th, 2-3pm.
- Meeting Link
- Meeting ID: 825 2450 4442
- Passcode: 0S^%S0sG
If you cannot attend but are interested and have questions, feel free to contact William Quinn at or the Study Abroad Office at directly for more information.
The Office of Study Abroad and International Education provides current information about the impact of COVID-19 on international travel. The staff continues to advise on summer and fall 2021 programs, anticipating continued improvements to global travel circumstances. Programs scheduled to depart after May 2021 are moving forward as planned but may be subject to postponement or suspension as the global situation evolves.
William Quinn, Distinguished Professor
Department of English