Rutgers Professor to Discuss 'Dante and the Revolution of Poverty'
The second annual Lecture in Dante Studies will feature Alessandro Vettori of Rutgers University, who will present "Dante and the Revolution of Poverty" at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17, via Zoom.
The event is free but registration is required.
Vettori's abstract of the talk said that by dismissing a wealthy church establishment, Dante's Divine Comedy proposes — in subtle, sophisticated terms — a renovation of society through a refusal of riches in general and an acceptance of poverty as a revolutionary tool.
Alessandro Vettori is a professor of Italian and comparative literature at Rutgers University.
He is the author of over 18 articles, edited/co-edited three volumes, and three single-authored manuscripts, the most recent being Dante's Prayerful Pilgrim: Typologies of Prayer in the Comedy.
For questions, email Ryan Calabretta-Sajder at
Ryan Calabretta Sajder, assistant professor
World Languages, Literatures and Cultures