U of A Set To Celebrate International Education Week Nov. 16-20
The University of Arkansas will celebrate International Education Week Nov. 16-20, with events for the week-long initiative coordinated by the Graduate School and International Education.
International Education Week is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education as an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange.
"The week is filled with events planned in collaboration with registered student organizations, academic units, and other campus organizations," said Michael Freeman, director of the International Students and Scholars. "Our community celebrates the rich cultural diversity we have and helps share that culture with others on campus."
IEW is an opportunity to learn about the world through more than 100 countries represented on campus, as well as seek study abroad and travel opportunities, said Freeman.
Events throughout the week provide opportunities for members of the U of A community to learn about the dress, food and cultures of numerous international regions whose students attend the university.
"We are extremely proud of our international students," said Curt Rom, associate dean for international education at the university. "These students contribute to the quality of learning in the classroom and laboratory, thus the overall quality of education at the university." Rom said the university has a students from more than 100 countries represented on campus. The largest international student groups on campus this year are from Panama, China, India, Bolivia and Saudi Arabia.
International presentations are available during IEW from the office of Study Abroad or from the International Culture Team.
The Office of Study Abroad presentations will introduce study abroad options available (there more than 1,700!), discuss study abroad scholarships and provide guidelines for the application process.
If your class has a specific region or language focus, we would be happy to provide appropriate resources. Include details of class focus and demographic in the "notes" section of the Study Abroad Virtual Presentation Request.
Presentations are about 20 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes allowed for Q & A. Requests are scheduled on a first-come, first-serve, basis. Please apply early.
The International Culture Team is a presentation team made up of international students and scholars, as well as, American students who have studied abroad or just want to be a part of the team. Contact the team about presentations with the International Culture Team Request Form
A complete list of IEW events is updated daily.
Monday, Nov. 16
Theme — Celebrations! What celebrations are important to you? Share them on social media!
Opening Celebration for IEW
11-11:45 a.m. on Zoom
Students, staff and faculty are invited to wear favorite international hat, sports jersey or cultural clothing.
- Sponsor: The Graduate School and International Education
- Contact: Cynthia Smith; csmith@uark.edu
The International Instagram Bazaar
Share your culture through ISO's International Instagram Bazaar. Share photos, videos, recipes, etc. The Bazaar is happening each week on Instagram counting down to IEW. Follow ISO @isouark on Instagram.
- Sponsor: International Student Organization
- Contact: Michelle Clark; iso@uark.edu
Study Abroad Photo Contest Display
Winners of the Study Abroad Photo Contest will be announced during the IEW Opening Ceremony. The photos will be shared over social media all week.
- Sponsor: Study Abroad and International Exchange
- Contact: Brian Poepsel; bpoepse@uark.edu
International Education Week Film Fest 2020
Please Join the Film Fest Nov. 16-20. Each day a featured video from our Alexander Street collection will be highlighted. Education in various international settings is the theme. Sponsor: University Libraries
- Contact: Joel B. Thornton; jbt012@uark.edu
Tuesday, Nov. 17
Theme: International Dress — Wear and share your favorite clothing, scarf, jersey, on social media etc.
Study Abroad Info Session Library
Visit the Study Abroad Info Session Library to watch videos about the study abroad programs available across the globe. These short videos are hosted by study abroad faculty, the U of A Rome Center, and our partners around the world. Stop by at your convenience to get a glimpse of the places you can go to globalize your education.
- Sponsor : The Office of Study Abroad
- Contact: Veronica Mobley; vlmobley@uark.edu; 479-575-7582
In Their Shoes: Understanding the Unique Constraints of International Students
9:15-10:45 a.m. Preregistration required
- Sponsors: Department of Communications & International Students and Scholars
- Contact: Margaret Butcher; mbutcher@uark.edu
Fulbright Scholars Application Workshop
3:30-5:30 p.m. Application Workshop on Zoom Passcode: 6n$AdG6^
This is an information workshop for staff and faculty interested in applying for one of the several professional and scholars Fulbright programs.
- Sponsor: Graduate School and International Education
- Contact: Curt R. Rom, associate dean for International Education; crom@uark.edu
Dante and the Revolution of Poverty
6:30-7:30 p.m. Dante Webinar Registration
By dismissing a wealthy church establishment, Dante's Divine Comedy Proposes - in subtle, sophisticated terms - a renovation of society through a refusal of riches general and in acceptance of poverty as revolutionary tool.
- Sponsor: Italian Program & Medieval and Renaissance Studies
- Contact: Ryan Calabretta-Sajder; calabret@uark.edu
Wednesday, Nov. 18
Theme: Dances Around the World — share your favorite dances to keep us moving all day
Study Abroad Fair
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Study Abroad Fair will be hosted virtually on Zoom.
The 2020 Study Abroad Fair will introduce students to faculty, program providers, the U of A Rome Center, and advisors from your college that are ready to help you internationalize your education (even in a pandemic!). From virtual international internships, to independent experiences immersed in foreign institutions, to programs hosted by U of A faculty, there really is a program for students on every budget, from any major.
- Sponsor: The Office of Study Abroad
- Contact: Veronica Mobley; vlmobley@uark.edu; 479-575-7582
Peace Corps Application Workshop
Noon to 1 p.m.
- Sponsor: Study Abroad and International Exchange Peace Corps Prep Program
- Contact: Alshaatha Alsharji; aalsharj@uark.edu
Dance Around the World
6-8 p.m. Join via Zoom
Watch performances from around the world. Gift cards will be awarded to enjoy food from different regions of the world.
- Sponsor: University Housing
- Contact: Natalia Frolov-Nickels; tnfrolov@uark.edu
Professor Dick Bennet Scholars at Risk Lecture- Featuring Prof. Bakyt Beshimov from Kyrgyzstan
5 p.m. Zoom Registration:
The University of Arkansas Scholars at Risk Committee brings scholars who have been displaced from their home countries. Scholars at Risk is an international organization assisting persecuted scholars and defending academic freedom worldwide.
- Contact: Luis Fernando Restrepo at lrestr@uark.edu
Reconnecting with our roots
5 - 6 p.m. Join on Zoom
Meeting ID: 840 7600 0134 Passcode: =B4Qscng
November is Panama's national month, and the Panamanian Student Organization wants you to celebrate with us while we reconnect with our roots being far away from home. We will have a display of our traditions, games and have a fun time with the U of A community
- Sponsor: Panamanian Student Organization
- Contact: Raziel Hernandez; rch013@uark.edu or Felipe Hernandez; fh007@uark.edu
Thursday, Nov. 19
Theme: Academic Spotlight! What are you studying? Researching? Share on social media
Around the World in 60 Minutes
3:30-5 p.m. Meet return Peace Corps Volunteers who will share their cultural experiences from the Peace Corps.
- Sponsor: Office of Study Abroad and International Exchange Peace Corps Prep Program.
- Contact: Alshaatha Alsharji; aalsharj@uark.edu
International Scholars Reception
5:30-6:30 p.m. The Graduate School and International Education will host an invitation-only reception to honor international faculty, staff, and researchers. Remarks and presentation of this year's Hoyt Purvis Awards will also be a highlight of this event.
- Sponsor: Graduate School and International Education; International Students and Scholars
- Contact: Audra Johnston; audra@uark.edu
Friday, Nov. 20
Theme — Food! Make a cooking video, show photos of common foods from your country
Chartwells International Cooking Demonstration
Visit the Chartwell's YouTube channel to watch U of A chefs create one-of-a-kind international cuisine. You can follow the steps and create a delicious new meal to celebrate IEW.
- Sponsor: Chartwells Dining
- Contact: Ashley Meek; ashley.meek@compass-usa.com
Amy Unruh, director of communications
Graduate School and International Education
479-575-5809, unruh@uark.edu