Second Conversation in 'The Living Room' Series to Address Issues for International Students
The Black Graduate Student Association is partnering with the Graduate-Professional Student Congress to host the second session in the critical conversation series on at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 22, on Zoom.
The series, called The Living Room, is designed to create an intimate and open space for honest dialogue available specifically to graduate students. The second conversation, "International Students: From the Outside Looking In," will be hosted by BGSA and GPSC DEI member Jodi Simeon and Juan Marin Jr, GPSC graduate life representative.
The GPSC Graduate Life committee and the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee are both partnering with BGSA for the events. Program leaders from both graduate student organizations hope to engage with graduate students from a wide variety of colleges and organizations on campus.
Warrington Sebree, BGSA president, said the event is not a lecture, but rather a discourse, to provide participants with learning opportunities and create unity among graduate students.
The purpose, Sebree said, "is to gain a better understanding of your colleagues with different world views even as we are apart." He said "agreeing to disagree" is welcomed and encouraged in the conversations.
Graduate students are encouraged to register for the Zoom meeting.
About BGSA: The Black Graduate Student Association is an organization that serves all members of the Razorback Black Graduate Student community. The primary goal of BGSA is to build a community among all incoming and continuing graduate students of African descent. While the primary demographic will be graduate students of African, Caribbean, or African American descent, this organization is open to other students of color as well as those not of color who are seeking opportunities to practice allyship and understanding. Through social and professional interaction we strive to promote diverse programs, facilitate intellectual engagement and create an environment in which everyone feels comfortable.
About GPSC: The Graduate Professional Student Congress advocates for the collective welfare of graduate and professional students at the University of Arkansas. The GPSC manages and distributes student activity fees paid by graduate and professional students, represents the common interests of these students, and speaks with one voice on behalf of its constituents. The GPSC seeks to improve the lives, careers, and research of all graduate-professional students at the University of Arkansas.
Amy Unruh, director of communications
Graduate School and International Education