Italian Program to Host Lecture on Frederico Fellini and His Use of Fashion and Costume
Please join the Italian Program at the University of Arkansas in celebrating Federico Fellini. This is a three-part series dedicated to exploring the maestro's genius across disciplines. I ask that you help advertise this first of three presentations widely, inviting colleagues and students who are interested. Registration to the event is required but it is free.
Eugenia Paulicelli, a professor at Queens College/City University of New York, will present "Federico Fellini: Fashion, Film, Costume" at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 21, via Zoom.
The lecture will explore the crucial role costume and fashion have played in Fellini's films (Juliet of the Spirits; La Dolce Vita; Roma), the role of Rome as a city of film and fashion, and Fellini's legacy to future generations of filmmakers and fashion designers.
Paulicelli is a professor of Italian, comparative literature, and women’s studies at Queens College and The Graduate Center of the City University of New York. She is the founder and coordinator of the Concentration in Fashion Studies and is the leading scholar in fashion studies in Italy.
Registration Link:
Many thanks to the Consulate of Italy, Houston and Consul General Ciattaglia for sponsoring the event.
Questions? Email Ryan Calabretta-Sajder at
Ryan Callabretta-Sajder, assistant professor of Italian
Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures