The Power of Creativity; New Short Talks Features Psychologist Darya Zabelina Discussing Creativity, Focus and Attention
In the October episode of Short Talks From the Hill, Darya Zabelina discusses her research on creativity, how creative people see the world and whether or not coffee improves the creative process.
Zabelina is an assistant professor of psychology in the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences. Her research explores creative cognition, imagination, attention and related processes using a variety of tools, including surveys, electrophysiological (EEG and ERP), and magnetic resonance imaging techniques.
"One of the most common findings is that creativity is linked to open-mindedness," Zabelina said. "People who are more creative are more open to other peoples' perspectives, they might be empathic because they are more likely to imagine what it's like be another person, so in current times that might be especially relevant."
To listen to Zabelina discuss her research, go to Research Frontiers, the home of research news at the University of Arkansas, or visit the "On Air" and "Programs" link at
Short Talks From the Hill highlights research and scholarly work at the University of Arkansas. Each segment features a university researcher discussing his or her work. Previous podcasts can be found under the 'Short Talks From the Hill' link at
Thank you for listening!
Darya Zabelina, assistant professor
Department of Psychological Science
Bob Whitby, feature writer
University Relations