Call for Nominations of New Teaching Academy Fellows, Fall 2020
Nominations are open for new Teaching Academy Fellows. Nominations must be made by a current Teaching Academy Fellow or by the dean of an academic college or school. Nominees are colleagues who have distinguished themselves with demonstrated excellence in teaching/education as noted by significant college, institutional, disciplinary, state or national teaching awards.
The Teaching Academy can select up to eight faculty for membership per year. Faculty receiving the Baum Teaching Award or the Dr. John and Mrs. Lois Imhoff Award for Outstanding Teaching and Student Mentorship are automatically considered as nominees (if not already Teaching Academy Fellows).
Nomination process: The nomination must be initiated by a Teaching Academy member or by an Academic Dean. The application is relatively short and should include:
- A nominating letter from a Teaching Academy member or Academic Dean highlighting the teaching accomplishments of the nominee, including any institutional (College or University) and professional teaching awards.
- A letter of support from a supervisor (Department/Unit/Program chair or director) or a knowledgeable peer.
- A list of classes taught with evaluations from the past three years. Note: Because teaching evaluations are considered private and confidential, the nominator must ask permission of the potential nominee to use them. The nominator is urged to indicate only that he/she is nominating the potential nominee for a teaching award and keep the nature of the nomination confidential, as is the Teaching Academy tradition.
- Any other material, which can support the candidate, such as a teaching or activity portfolio, may be included. The entire nomination packet (including letters and any supporting materials) is limited to a maximum of six pages.
Send all nominations to Mary Savin, chair of the nominating committee, at the campus address or email below. Personal delivery (rather than campus mail) is strongly encouraged.
Mary Savin
Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences
Office location: 105B Agriculture (AGRI) Building
Campus mail: 115 Plant Science (PTSC) Building
- OR -
Email as one PDF file to [Include "2020 Fellow Nominee" in the subject line].
The due date is Thursday, Oct. 29, by 5 p.m.
Please email Mary Savin, Nominating Committee chair, at and let her know if you are planning to nominate a new Teaching Academy Fellow.
Nominees will be voted on at the Nov. 10 meeting of the Teaching Academy.
Lori Libbert, HEI Program coordinator
Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center