Morten Jensen to Give Inaugural ARA Project Scope Presentation
Arkansas Research Alliance's Project Scope launches Wednesday, Sept. 23, with guest presenter Morten Jensen, ARA scholar and associate professor at the University of Arkansas.
Hosted on Zoom, ARA Project Scope explores impactful innovation and discovery in Arkansas by featuring members of the ARA Academy of Scholars and Fellows, who will share their science in an hour-long presentation and discussion.
The ARA Academy is comprised of talented researchers from the University of Arkansas, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Arkansas State University, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's National Center for Toxicological Research.
Jensen will discuss his work at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 23. The programming is free and open to the public, but registration is required.
Jensen's presentation will cover three topics: his research and work with technology to advance development of medical devices, his efforts to assist community with clinical partners fight COVID-19, and his support of engineering students in creating economic impact from their design coursework.
Jensen's research focuses on experimental cardiovascular surgery. Last year, in a collaborative project with cardiologists at Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock, he tested a new ultrasound technology, called vector flow imaging, for the first time on pediatric patients. The technology created detailed images of the internal structure and blood flow of babies' hearts.
More recently, Jensen has focused on technology to help clinicians treating COVID-19 patients.
Jensen was appointed to the Danish Academy of Engineering and became the youngest person since 1965 to receive the prestigious "Elektroprisen." His work has been published extensively in scientific journals, magazines and public media. He was inducted into the Academy of Scholars and Fellows in 2015.
Morten Jensen, associate professor
biomedical engineering
Matt McGowan, science and research communications officer
University Relations