Make Your Voice Heard; Research Data Management Survey for Principal Investigators
Are you a principal investigator for a federal research grant? Are you frustrated by proliferating regulations governing research data? We want to find ways to help so you can focus on your research.
In order to understand the challenges facing U of A researchers, representatives from University ITS, the University Libraries, and the Office of Research and Innovation have formed a task force. Next week, we will send an anonymous survey about research data management practices from the email account to principal investigators (PIs) who received federal research awards since January 1, 2016.
This survey is hosted on the Qualtrics platform; completing it will take approximately 15-20 minutes. The survey will close on October 13, 2020. If you receive an invitation to participate, please respond in a timely manner. We want to make sure your voice is heard!
Please direct questions to Melody Herr at
Sarah Brown, communications assistant
Office of Research and Innovation