Study Abroad Fair Lets Students Shop for Travel Options
The Office of Study Abroad and International Exchange is hosting its annual Study Abroad Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 15. The fair will utilize Zoom meeting groups for students to shop around for travel programs that interest them.
To attend, students with a email address will pre-register for the fair at Registration will be open through 2:59 p.m. on the day of the fair. Students will be able to review session descriptions and filter through options between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
"We want students to explore the options, to just come look at what you can do with Study Abroad," said Veronica Mobley, assistant director for the Office of Study Abroad and International Exchange. Once students find a program they are curious about, Study Abroad advisors can follow up with details about academic credits, costs, scholarships, and other details.
Interested students can review academic programs that will take them abroad for a summer, semester, intersession or academic year. Faculty-led, Rome Center, reciprocal exchange and external programs will be featured in the fair. Faculty, study abroad alumni and external program representatives will be available in breakout chats to discuss programs for all majors and language levels.
"The fair is designed so students can spend a few minutes or a few hours exploring Study Abroad," Mobley said. Students can shop for programs in specific academic or geographic areas, visiting with representatives in multiple chat sessions throughout the day.
Amy Unruh, director of communications
Graduate School and International Education