Newly Elected Faculty Senate Leadership Ready for Challenges Ahead
The Faculty Senate of the University of Arkansas elected a new Executive Committee leadership team at the conclusion of their Sept. 9 meeting. The Executive Committee consists of four officers elected by the faculty, the past senate chair, two officers appointed by the chair, and five senators elected from the senate body.
The new leadership team includes the following faculty:
Stephen Caldwell (ARSC - MUSC), Faculty Senate Chair
John Delery (WCOB - MGMT), Faculty Senate Vice-Chair
Fran Hagstrom (COEHP - RHRC), Faculty Senate Past Chair
Mary Savin (AFLS - CSES), Campus Faculty Chair
Neil Allison (ARSC - CHBC), Campus Faculty Vice-Chair
Linda Jones (ARSC - WLLC), Senate Secretary
Robert Brady (ARSC - COMM), Senate Parliamentarian
Anna Zajicek (ARSC - SOCI), Executive Committee Representative
Donald Johnson (AFLS - TAEC), Executive Committee Representative
Bret Schulte (ARSC - JOUR), Executive Committee Representative
Deborah Korth (ARSC - FSS), Executive Committee Representative
Timothy Kral (ARSC - BISC), Executive Committee Representative
Stephen E. Caldwell, associate professor
Department of Music