Hancock Named Engineering Employee of the Quarter
Sandra Hancock has been named College of Engineering employee of the quarter for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2020.
Hancock is a fiscal support supervisor in the Department of Civil Engineering.
Julian Fairey, associate professor of civil engineering, praised Hancock's project management skills.
"Sandra is an invaluable member of the front office," he said. "Sandra has really helped me manage my projects effectively, warning me when funds are getting low and initiating budget revisions. I am very thankful for Sandra's steadying presence in CVEG and dread the day she retires."
Kevin Hall, interim associate dean for research and a professor of civil engineering, said Hancock is an intergral part of the team.
"I cannot imagine working in a department without Sandra," he said. Three things really illustrate her value to the U of A. First, she is an absolute encyclopedia of knowledge regarding University accounting systems and procedures — I've not found a question that she could not answer — or, she will get that answer basically immediately. Second, she always looks for ways to make things happen — her response is never 'no', it is 'let's see what we can do.' Third, she demonstrates the ultimate service mentality — she is there to help. I cannot think of a more deserving person for this honor."
The Employee of the Quarter Program is administered by the College of Engineering Staff Council.
Amy Shell, outgoing president of the council, said the program is a way to recognize the staff who help keep the College running.
"Staff Council exists to recognize and advocate for staff members in the College, and bringing their achievements to light is an important way we do that," she said. "Sandra's recognition is well-deserved — we are fortunate to work alongside her every day."
Nick DeMoss, director of communications
College of Engineering
479-575-5697, ndemoss@uark.edu